Herbs for Lyme disease and chronic infections & the tools to cope with the roller coaster of healing

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Lyme sucks.

You just want it to be over so you can move on with your life.

The pain. The brain fog. The bone deep fatigue. The weird symptoms that keep piling on top of each other.

Piecing together an effective treatment and team can be hard. There are so many options.

Why do you feel worse when you do treatment? Aren’t you supposed to feel better? 

Wait – you heard it’s normal to feel awful when you treat Lyme and the co-infections, but how do you know if what you are feeling is “normal” awful or “something is wrong” awful?

Maybe you need some extra support, like a new herb or supplement, but herbs can be confusing.

Why are Lyme, Bartonella, Mycoplasma and the other co-infections so challenging to deal with?

Lyme, Bartonella, Mycoplasm and the other co-infections hide, evade, steal and trick.

If they were easy for our bodies to fight on its own, you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation.

If they were easy to eradicate with medicines, again, you and I wouldn’t be having this conversation.

images that says "Lyme sucks" as part of a promotion for a educational services for herbal lyme treatment

Sneaky and damaging…

Lyme, Mycoplasma, Bartonella and the other co-infections have various ways to keep themselves alive and strong…at the expense of your own vitality.

When the infections are running the show, it is hard to take a shower, feed yourself, be in your body, to stand up, move around, to even take a breath.

You are in pain all the time. Your brain and nervous system can be damaged. It’s hard to think clearly.

In some instances, up to 80-90% of the neuronal cells in hippocampus can be damaged due to Lyme infection.

Is it any wonder that piecing together your own herbal Lyme treatment feels overwhelming?


One thing is sure:

You don’t know how much longer you can deal with feeling 50 shades of awful 24/7, year in, year out.

I am here to tell you that it is possible to move from the darkness that is chronic Lyme disease across the healing bridge to where you can feel better, feel yourself, and function through your life without the constant pain, suffering, exhaustion and sickness.

My wish is to guide you from chronic Lyme to the other side of the healing bridge, where you can be yourself again

I know what this feels like because I have been there myself.

why I am passionate about Lyme & infections

Chronic Lyme

I have been through the hell while bedridden with acute Lyme, Bartonella and Mycoplasma, as well as having a life of being chronically ill since I was 12 years old.

Pain, exhaustion and sickness was my life.

see about Celia for more

Herb Nerd

I ‘get’ herbs. I have been an herbalist for over 20 years. 

I was in the clinical herbal world for 16 years before I even knew it was Lyme keeping me sick!

Ironically my favorite topic was herbs for chronic infections and illness.

see my herbal story for more

yarrow flowers close up dark background

Birth Doula

As a birth doula, I learned coping skills to get through those highly painful moments when you’re pushed passed your limit. 

I call these type of coping techniques “embodiment skills” , where we use bio feedback to feel into and work with the body.

see Embodiment Skills 101 for more


My work with Chinese medicine and herbalism for pain and chronic health problems comes from personal experience.

I was infected with and treated for Lyme when I was 8. At age 12, I started to have symptoms of chronic fatigue and sleep problems. At age 14 I began my journey with chronic debilitating dysmenorrhea and joint dysfunction.

When I was 36 I entered a 3 month acute Lyme flare with continual full body migraines and joint dysfunction. After that I became dedicated to find a treatment that worked for me and dig myself out of the pain and illness underworld << read more here >>

I offer botanical and nutrient medicine for people with Lyme and co-infections, chronic pain and acute and chronic infections at a distance.

But guess what?

It doesn’t have to be that way.


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  • Fusce a sollicitudin velit. Sed imperdiet diam ac mauris.
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